Monday, March 15, 2010

Korean agents visit Valencia

We recently got the visit from some important Korean agents at the city from Valencia, they started with a visit and wine tasting at Bodegas Gandía.

Some white “Fusta Nova”, then a Bobal red wine and to finish some sweet one …

After this visit … directly to Albufera lake … to start some “Paella cooking show” … the most famous Valencian (and Spanish) dish.

After lunch we should have made a boat trip at Albufera: the biggest lake in Spain …The group wanted to do it …

everybody were ready … but unfortnately it was raining too much …

Do you see the umbrella … yes! that is Valencia Football Club symbol … and that’s where we went … straight ahead to see MESTALLA Football Stadium … for Valencian fans: “El templo del fútbol” … see at the left the future “trainers” from the club!!

Then after a rest … we had the pleasure to visit Opera house: “Palau de les Arts” and see/listen some Opera … which was followed from an amazing flamenco show at one of the best Tablaos in Valencia: “La Buleria”… good music and great food!!

The following day started with a visit to LLADRO Museum, the also called “City of Porcelain” where people can discover how this world-famous figure are made… At the picture you can see how the group had no interest at all …

This piece is over 120.00 EUR.: picture is free!! ;-)

From this sculptures … to others … that will be burnt in a few days (well most of them) … yes! I am talking about FALLAS … we visited the “Ninot Exhibition” … where Korean travel professional got amazed with all the “ninots”.

Obama, Charles Chaplin, Gasol, David Villa and this “ideal woman” where there …

And from there … directly to the amazing “City of Arts and Sciences” ( We visited Palau de les Arts, Science Museum and Aquarium.

Finally, on Sunday it was time for discovering the historic City Centre:

Virgin Square with Cathedral Complex, the place where “Holly Grial” is … then we also entered at “La Lonja“, World Heritage Monument from XV century.

After this visit, we enjoyed a “Mascletà” at the City Hall square (great view from Hotel Las Arenas “Balcon”

After lunch … a SEGWAY Tour along Turia Riverbed (

See Korean agents … proud below “SAMSUNG” (Korean company):

Final stop: BIOPARC Valencia … A piece of Africa in Valencia!!

I wonder how many people still think that Valencia can be seen in half day … when 3 days are not enough!!


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