Friday, January 8, 2010

0296, apt 1106.

Liz stopped by to pick up a reading she couldn’t get at school and I am pretty much stoked because, regarding my entry from 2 hours ago, her visit helped a lot.  We sat for about an hour and half over a glass of red (that I didn’t drink earlier because, as much as I try to convince myself to enjoy a glass of red alone, I never do) and talked about everything under the sun.  She was glad she came over and I obviously am, considering the way I felt and how discouraged my soul was.  It’s funny how things are happening in my life these days.  I have constructed a positive framework for myself and even in my low or lowest moments, something counteracts the negativity habouring me and pulls me out of it so quickly I can barely blink.  This isn’t the first incident of this sort but it’s something that I will now categorize (via this blog) under neat things that happen in life.  If you don’t think this can happen to you, let’s do lunch!

(Do I sound like an infomercial?)

I feel so much better, so much more positive, and so much more buzzed than I did two hours ago.  Now onwards and upwards to King Solomon’s Mines – a book I have to read and respond on for Wednesday. I have 0 of 176 pages read.


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