Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Crashing & burning

9:13 pm:

Crashing and burning. Zombie mode commencing…now.

Lucas is still watching Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince. BOring…I left after 30 minutes or so. Good choice, as I then taught myself to subscribe to and download podcasts to my Ipod! Por fin! (Finally!)


Pre-dinner: 6 dried Cali figs and a glass of red wine

Dinner: Big salad and Happy Rice

Dessert: Chocolate


Gym workout.

Warm up: walk to gym

15 minutes sretching/abs

15 minutes arms

25 minutes legs

5 minutes stretching

Cool down: walk back to work

My new Shape magazine came in the mail today. Katherine McPhee is on the cover—what the hell is she thinking with that terrible blonde bob?!?!? Blech.

Awfully critical tonight, aren’t I?


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