Monday, February 15, 2010

valentines day 2010...

Well, to start it off I could barely breath this morning I was so stuffed up and congested.  The Theraflu worked pretty well though and as the day progressed I got a little better.  We had to go grocery shopping today which is one of my least favorite things to do because we usually go to wally-world.  The place is always packed and is a bitch to move around it – even the super sized ones.  So today – I decided we would go to publix.  It was a much nicer, slower paced store.  The people were friendly and the help was…believe it or not…helpful.  I think we will be making more trips there and less to the big blue building with cranky folks.

Anyway,  I have been wanting some fish for a while – but Jo is NOT a fish eater.  At all.  But for me, for valentine’s day she made me some salmon.  It was so good :)   There was even a swirl of fresh crabmeat in it…like a pinwheel.  My only contribution to dinner was some fresh squash which I put olive oil over, sprinkled some garlic powder on it and topped it with a little parmesan cheese.  Pretty good if I do say so myself!  We accompanied this with some wild mushroom rice and voila’…a romantic dinner :)

We also bought some organic granola bars and granola pieces for our yogurt.  We are really trying to break out of our comfort food box and try new things…yay us!  We paired this lovely meal with a bottle of white wine…a pinot grigio.  Let me just say we know crap about wine which is why when we got the bottle home and had no opener – we went full lesbo on that cork and used a power tool.  Oh yeah, that’s how we roll.  Here is a pic  lol!

Even though I felt like death warmed over today – she still found a way to make me feel sexy – even though I KNOW I wasn’t.  We didn’t buy gifts for each other – we just spent the day together talking about the wedding and cooking and just enjoying each other.  It was wonderful…and isn’t THAT really what the day is all about.



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