Friday, November 20, 2009

Links for 11.19.09: Republicans love shortbread.

*Alcohol: Wines That Rock is releasing rock and roll-related varietals such as Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon Cabernet and the Rolling Stones Forty Licks Merlot. Hopefully, the wine was bottled in these bands’ respective hay days. Am i rite? Also, it will taste terrible. [the daily swarm]

*Money: This incredible chart from Mint is too complex by half, but it shows who is paying taxes in the U.S. [harper's]

*Music: Here is a tumblr that is dedicated to “Music to have sex to.” I’ll be honest: I was expecting more Kings of Leon. A LOT more. WHAT? [lafix]

*Art: If these record cover collages don’t turn you on, you aren’t listening to enough Kings of Leon. Huh? Someone please help. [coudal]

*Visualizations: I’ve frequently linked to infographics made by GOOD magazine. Here’s a Flickr set of all of them. [coudal]

*Politics: According to Hunch, when it comes to Girl Scout cookies, liberals like samoas and conservatives like shortbread. I like thin mints. If by “like,” you mean devour sleeves of joylessly. [harper's]

*Web: Can government really tap into the power of technology via Expert Labs? And, more importantly, is this company hiring? WHAT?

*Twitter: Read these four things.

*Today’s links: Failure.

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