Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Boss-Round 1

Soooo… my friend’s Boss turned out to be pretty charming although he botched the planning.  The venue stopped serving at 9 and our drinks date was at 9 so that sure a serious lack or conscientious foresight but we recovered by buying a bottle of wine and serving ourselves.  I’m going to be nice and forgive it this once, but what if i were the love of his life and blew him off for that?  He’d really be missing out.  If they really care I feel like they don’t do that shit.  They plan.  Anywho it turns out we have a lot in common… not all good things.  So I had brief stint with this mini (very short) from NY that was in town for a few weeks on a movie.  He was an old friend of this horrible crew I got mixed up with in college. Though I followed this crew down a very dark path back then, I remained friendly with the few I didn’t want dead including the Mini.  I hadn’t seen him in a few years and he had just gotten married and divorced in this big society wedding.  Turns out- the Boss not only knows the whole shady crew (and thus can access very embarrassing info about me from another life… plus the affiliation alone does not say good thing about Boss) AND Boss dated the Mini’s ex wife both before and after the marriage.  Small fucking world… or as my very pompous friend says in his affected Euro accent… “No, no, sweetie, just a very thin crust”


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