Friday, October 16, 2009

Routine Recovery

I have developed a routine of sorts to aid me in getting through divorcing my soul mate.

I start off in the morning with bath oil in the bath, this little treat helps me to meditate as I watch the oily swirls and empty my mind. Then I visualise, looking forward into my day, planning what I need to do that will move my business that one step forward and then I go to work and implement.

In the late afternoon, I leave the office, buy a newspaper and go to my local wine bar. It is situated in a very upmarket area, and so they serve a better class of cockroach there. I have one glass of chilled crisp dry white wine, blended with sparkling water and do my crosswords and Suduko. This is my time where I am not a wife, or mummy or the boss, it is the time when I am me alone with my delicious indulgence.

At first the people around me thought that it was strange that a women goes out by herself, but as they have got to know me, I have gained some notorious respect. Many of my friends there are married, and they often tell me how jealous their wives are of their time in the pub, or better still how their relationships are falling apart in the bedroom because their wives are having an affair. I want to open their stupid heads and pour into their drink distorted brains, that their wives are not practising infidelity, or sparring with green dragons, they just don’t like drunk husbands!

After counselling the clientèle, I fetch Jesse from school and we all go home for dinner.

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