Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Last night I went wine tasting. It was a pretty civilised affair for the most part  – well at the beginning of the evening anyway… 12 tables in, and red teeth later, I was fining a lot of splendid-idid Ssshhirrrrazzes, Maaaaaaarvelous Merlots and some Prrrrrrettttyy nice Pinotaaages. I actually held it together pretty well, well better than the men at the second to last stand – who were clearly partaking in the one for me one for you game. Hilarious – they couldn’t keep a straight face or stand steady. What was more amusing though were the people in the carriage next to me on the tube home. They had obviously forgotten about the no-alcohol-on-the-tube law – and they were having a great time. Quite literally swinging round the poles, doing some sort of robotic dancing, all the while shrieking in wine fueled delight. I left them to it when the train stopped and all the girls were shouting “Klim af nou – KLIM AF” (Get off now). Had it not been the end of the line I am sure they would have been doing the sokkie!

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