Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve!

Hi everyone! How was your Christmas Eve? Mine was great!!! Our Chicken Parm for the contest turned out great!


Adam and I packed up the car with gifts, food, wine, beer and cheesecake and headed to his parents house for his family’s Christmas celebration. Once we got there it was time for the taste test to see who is this year’s cook off winner.

The two contenders:


Since Adam’s brother-in-law Dave and I were supposed to help and did nothing we were the judges.

We sampled Chicken Parm “A”


and Chicken Parm “B”


I thought “A” was the best and Dave like “B”. So we had to get our sister-in-law Jen in as a tie breaker.


She picked “B”. “B” turned out to be Linda’s so Adam did not win the cook off…oh well, his Chicken was still delicious!!!

There were tons of appetizer to snack on before dinner. I got myself a small plate of taco dip and some chips.


I sipped on about a glass and a half of Pinot Noir throughout the night.


For dinner I had a small bowl of salad.


and a small piece of Adam’s chicken parm, a stuffed shell and some whole wheat pasta (I brought my own ) topped with some of Adam’s mom’s sauce. DELICIOUS!!!! Italian food is my favorite!


I also had a small piece of garlic bread because Adam’s sister was raving about it, it had whole pieces of garlic in it and was awesome!!!


After dinner we opened gifts!!! While the kids open gifts, it is complete insanity!!!!!


Our niece Emily and Adam’s mom made us this adorable ornament!


The adults do a grab, Adam’s sister Amanda got me. My gift was an iTunes gift card so I can buy Apps for my phone. Thanks, Amanda, now I can feed my obsession even more!!!!


Adam’s mom always gets me my Christmas Pj’s!!!


I also got a very unexpected gift from Adam’s sister, her husband and kids in Florida. When we were there in June, he had a running joke about my love for Firemen. Adam is a cop, so he would get pissed anytime I talked about hot firemen. So, Deb, Dave and the kids mailed me this calendar! I started cracking up when I opened it!! Soooo funny!


Dessert was a piece of the awesome cheesecake that Adam brought home from the bakery near work.


It was so good! It was really creamy and super light. It wasn’t overwhelmingly cheesy either. Love it! I also had a peanut butter cookie…because, well it’s peanut butter and I love it!!!


Well, I am off to bed to snuggle with my two favorite guys! I have a feeling Santa is going to be coming to bring Oscar some goodies tonight ;) Look at all the presents under our tree right now!!!!


I am so excited for tomorrow! Family, Food, Fun, Presents!!! YAY!!! Have a great night!


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