Monday, December 28, 2009

Wonderful Wine - When?

“Don’t you DARE open that bottle!” I hissed at my dad who was staring into the open fridge, “take that crappy Chardonnay over there…”

I miss 2 Buck Chuck...for these sorts of reasons...

It was the end of a “blah” kind of day, nobody was paying much attention to what we were eating, and there was some company over of the sort that honestly never cared about the kind of wine being drunk.

So I ask the question – when do you drink your finest bottles of wine? When do you resort to bargain bin?

This simple little question has come up several times recently.  I’ve overheard some big collectors complain that opening their best bottles usually ends up being disappointing.  If the company isn’t right, if others don’t appreciate what you’ve been waiting for all these years, is it a waste?

Should the best bottles be saved for the best occasions ? Weddings, bar mitzvahs, engagements, promotions, births? What if your friends, family, etc, don’t care about the wine? Does it matter?  Maybe the prestige of the event will rub off on the impression of the wine?  Should you ever raise a glass of crappy wine for an important event?

Or should you open your best just because…it’s a nice day,  or to improve a crap day, or because it’s just the time to enjoy something that is the very best…just because.

I admit, I don’t ever like wasting a good wine on people who have no interest or no ability to appreciate it.  But is it a sign of lack of respect to deny them something decent simply because?  If London Broil and Porterhouse taste the same to my grandmother, should I deny her the Porterhouse, if she’ll eat it anyway?

This post contains more questions than answers.  So…what to you think?


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