Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dandi Discovery !

Only God could take a  despoiled weed and turn it into an oblation!  What most of us consider a nefarious lawn annoyance in reality the dandelion is a multi-talented blessed little plant!  There seems no end to its charity!  The dandelion has a long medicinal history going as far back to the 10th century Arabian physicians leading all the way to the Germans who brought it over to America for its nutritionally rich benefits!

The pollen from the Dandelion provides food for the bees and 93 other insects and small birds!

Dandelion root is widely known for preventing and curing liver disease such as hepatitis and jaundice.  It can lower your cholesterol , reduce acid indigestion, water retention and provides vitamins , B1 , B2, B3, C and E !

Herbal Dandelion Tea can cleanse the digestive track and get rid of toxins in your body!

Dandelion tea is loaded antioxidants which helps reduce the signs of aging!

If you would rather drink wine instead, then you might want to try Dandelion wine!

This photo is dedicated to Timm the photographer ! This is a dandelion vineyard!

Dandelion leaves make a great salad!

How about some Dandelion Salad and Dandelion Wine!

Or Dandelion Vegetable soup!

You might want to try the Sweet Dandelion Jelly on your morning toast!

With that jelly toast , you’re probably gonna need some dandelion coffee!

After breakfast, you’ll definitely want to clean up and try out the …yes you guessed it…Dandelion Moisturizer!

And for you gals, the celebrities swear by this facial blush…called dandelion!

So apparently, the sun really does set….on the Dandelion!


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