Monday, September 7, 2009

The Piano Recital

Taj Vivanta, Bangalore. The unveiling of Bangalore Institute of Music and Arts. Piano recital by the french pianist, Florent Nagel.

There are times when you experience something so special, that you have to do something about it. And in such times, you remember the existence of a blog you once started, which has since become comatose. The time is right, you say, for a revival, and therefore, taking a pledge to write regularly, you blog.

I, on the other hand, will be content to just finish this one post and hibernate for the winter.

Apart from the actual show, which was wonderful, the most enjoyable part of the evening was the private concert that happened after it. It was not  scheduled, no one expected it. 10 people. Family and family friends of a dear friend of mine, Florent Nagel and a couple of his friends, and me. This was the unscripted part of the show, and like most impulsive things done in the world, this was experienced with and partly cased by alcohol. I would recommend the Big Banyan white wine to all who want to move to classier stuff, but cannot afford the imported liquor. Unless of course, you live in Madras, in which case you can have old monk and my sympathies. The B Steiner grand piano was perfect, and more importantly, in tune. And in-case there is any confusion, I did not recognize most of what was played, and I don’t care about it either.  As a person whose name I am unable to recollect said more than once, “There is only one thing better than music, Live Music”


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