Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday night at home

Foot is still killing me…

I’m icing it now though…

Hope it gets better .

The Mediterranean Fish casserole from Men’s Fitness was a success! We’ll be adding that one to the rotation. I made some changes to this recipe though, based on what I had in the house. Brown onion instead of red, no capsicum, no capers, no wine, 1.5 fresh tomatoes, 1 can of whole tomatoes (out of diced) and 1/2 a jar of this

otherwise I stuck to the recipe, minus the oil. We also used Dhufish instead of monkfish as that is what we had in the freezer. So actually on reading this it wasn’t much like the recipe ingredients at all, just the method, ha ha!

I used my lovely new casserole dish I got from my cuz Danni! Thanks again!

Before baking

My plate

I had a tiny bit of brown rice on the bottom. Delish! And so easy, I just sauteed everything but the fish, put the raw fish in a casserole dish, poured the sauce over the top and baked for 30 minutes at 190 degrees C.

A couple of glasses of this stuff

and raspberries to finish

Look what came in the mail yesterday!

Yay – love the new Ikea catalogue!

Tomorrow is Father’s Day here in Oz. Unfortunately, my Dad and Mum are down at their farm in Manjimup so I won’t be seeing them. We are going out for lunch though with Adam’s dad, stepmum, stepsister and her husband so that will be nice! We are going to Matilda Bay Restaurant which is right near the University of Western Australia where Adam and I both went to Law School. The view is gorgeous. What should I eat from the Menu?

See you for bagels in the morn.


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