Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sometimes being a mom is hard

Babe in bed – check

Large piece (or three…I’m not kidding…I’m considering a fourth but wonder how well it will go with my wine) of Chocolate Lovers Delight cake from Costco consumed – check

Glass of inexpensive but good red wine in hand – oh sweet lord -check

I am so not one of those moms that cries with he child over every bump or shot.  Usually, I just pick him up and snuggle and/or nurse him until he calms down blowing it off as the inevitable part of childhood it is.  I try to ask him if he’s okay instead of telling him he’s okay but that’s about it.  Sometimes when people tell me they cried the first time their child rolled off the couch make me wonder if I’m defective.  Also, sleep training using cry it out methods (CIO) sucked and stressed me out but I never sat in the other room crying along with him.

This morning I had A. call the pediatricians office because I knew we had the babe’s one year well check sometime this week.  I had forgotten to write it down.  I was informed the appointment was today. I went in with DH by my side (he attends most appointments with me) expecting a few shots.  The appointment was so freaking hard and I have to admit I got a little teary eyed.  First there was the toe prick to test his iron levels since they were slightly low at his last appointment.  The toe prick didn’t phase the babe at.all.  Maybe he remembered the DAILY toe pricks he receive exactly a year ago when they were testing his Bili Rubin levels.  In any case it lulled me into a safe place thinking that the appointment wasn’t going to be too bad.  Then there were FOUR shots A. held the babe down during while he SCREAMED the most painful horrible “you’re killing me” cry.  That sucked but I pulled out the all powerful boob and he settled right down. A few minutes later the nurse came in and told us his Iron levels were down and the doctor would come in to talk to us in a minute.  She came in and said his Iron level had dropped well below the recommended level of 11 (last time it was 10.7) and we needed to do a blood draw so that the lab could confirm and test for a few common reasons.  In the mean time she wrote a prescription for Iron drops.  The nurse and another person (I’m not sure if she was also a nurse-she had scrubs on) came in and had me hold him down while they took FOUR vials of blood.  It wasn’t quick and he SCREAMED even more horribly then he did earlier.  I felt like such a freaking traitor.  There I was holding my sweet boy down while they HURT him.  It was hell.

Oh and to cap it off my super laid back, he’s just developing at his own pace, pediatrician mentioned giving us a referral to have him evaluated since he’s behind in his motor skills.  He just started crawling a few weeks ago and he’s not really pulling up a lot.  She said she’s not quite worried but she can give us a referral now or we can see what he does for the next month and if he’s still not pulling up she will want to have him evaluated.  Apparently he’s right on the line for concern.  Then she mentioned several more times during the appointment to be sure to follow up for a referral in a month with another doctor since she will be on maternity leave.  I’m happy she is taking it seriously but there’s nothing like being kicked in the gut with the information that your sweet baby might have something wrong.  Up until this point I have been able to tell my self not to worry because the pediatrician was not concerned.



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