Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Drinking on a Monday

I know everyone hates Mondays, but what I hate most about them is when everyone asks about the weekend. Most of the time my weekend is pretty dull. Taking care of housework and sitting on my butt tends to take up the majority of time during the Saturday and Sunday hours.

This past weekend, I went out a bit. However, most of my time was again doing very boring catch up work. It was a weird weekend for me in the fact that people from my past kept popping up.  I love the people I work with and I love talking to them about my life. I’m not going to tell them everything and this weekend was not one to share. So what do I say when someone asks about the weekend! Well, I just say “It was alright.”  Luckily, they don’t pry too much.

It’s hard to say that the person that broke my heart into small pieces and I just began to put the pieces back together contacted me. It is hard to say that the person I have a present crush on seemed to ignore me on Saturday night shaking my confidence. The ex-boyfriend I care about so much, but I know I don’t want to marry made me feel guilty. This is a lot for one weekend! What is it about men that they can’t just take turns and not all come at me at once!

So after a hard work day, that was actually very personally productive I am enjoying a little wine. 

Will you pour a glass too?

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