Monday, September 21, 2009

The many adventures of Sloppy Cock and the amazing Michelle Bachelorette Weekend

I know I was supposed to post about London but some photos from my weekend can’t really wait.

Dan’s sister Michelle is getting married October 2nd and I’m part of the wedding party. We (as in the other bridesmaid Tori, the Maid of Honour Amanada and I) meshed our ideas together and came up with a ‘bachelorette weekend’ for her.

Friday night was a party/sleepover at Michelle’s place where she received the present of a blow up doll that we named “Sloppy Cock” due to the fact that his “member” kept falling off and spitting stuffing all over. Saturday we went to Niagara Falls (with Sloppy of course) and walked around the town- went to a wax museum and later Screamers (a haunted house) where I got so freaked out merely by the sight of a big masked clown outside, that after paying I not only did not make it through the doorway- I ran away almost in tears. I tried to be a sport but apparently I’m the biggest chicken in the history of the Niagara region. (Please note: I am a fantastic “purse holder” though.)

Then finally today we went on a apple themed Anna Olson (from the Food Network’s “Fresh”) wine tour. We tasted some spiffy wines, ate some cheese, went to a mill and got some fresh flour and hung out with Anna herself. Hip? Heck yes!

Some photos:

Penis ice cubes

Penis cake

Table of nummers

Sloppy Cock after our toiler paper wedding dress contest and much partying

The bride-to-be

Arriving at the hotel: Tori, Sloppy and Michelle

Sloppy Cock likes to push buttons

The hotel

The falls

Loving your mother and Niagara Falls go hand in hand

That’s not the Harry Potter I know

I joined Michelle on the best eyewear purchase this year. So classy

Kanye eat your heart out

Mr. T in wax form- Ain’t got no time for jibba jabba!

Forest, what is life like?

We are part of the Simpsons shhh

We went for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and they may have given us a table right next to 12 Belgian firefighters in town for training…

Penis straws- vogue

The boys at the Hard Rock Club put Sloppy’s cock into his own mouth… naughty to the power of 12

We ran into some street kids busking and they really liked Sloppy… even their pet rat.

Michelle decided to marry Sloppy before we went dancing- it was a nice evening for an outdoor ceremony

Sloppy was feeling pretty rough in the morning, some would say that he is slightly deflated…

We behaved ourselves in front of Anna Olson. She’s hawt.

Michelle found out that she will share the same anniversary as Anna and her husband Michael awwww

The end-ish. I’m sure if some of the other ladies have some incredible photos they may find there way onto here at some point or another.

I apologize for the horrible puns above. I’m exhausted.

Sleepy time.


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